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AK Interactive AK1018 Microfiller Primer - Spray 150 ml (Includes 2 nozzles)

Cod produs: 8436564926418

Marca: AK Interactive


Pret: 48.96 Lei

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AK Interactive AK1018 Microfiller Primer - Spray 150 ml (Includes 2 nozzles)

150 ml.   This self-leveling coating is useful for filling bumps, dents, scratches, for removing bubbles, texturing… It is suitable for large-scale repairs and can be used as soluble putty. Before using Microfiller primer you will need to shake the spray well, at least a minute to get a good mixture. Once dry, it perfectly covers all the small imperfections, scratches, moulding marks, sanding abrasions and all minor defects. Then, after a smooth sanding, you’ll have a perfect surface for successfully applying the paint that suits you best
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