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AMIG8206 ALC109 Polished brass

AMIG8206 ALC109 Polished brass

Marca: AMMO


Pret: 28.00 Lei

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AMIG8206 ALC109 Polished brass

High quality metallic paint perfect to obtain the typical high shine metallic aspect of Polished Brass finish.

This color is airbrush ready, no thinning necessary. Spray at 12-15psi and from a distance of 2-3 inches from the surface in light misted coats. The surfaces to be painted must be thoroughly clean and free from dust, grease, oil and finger prints. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors and ensure adequate ventilation. Apply a bright primer before use. We specially recommend A.MIG-8210 Gloss Black Base Primer ALC305. Clean airbrush with A.MIG-8200 (307 Lacquer thinner and cleaner).

Paint manufactured by Alclad II according its original formulation and now distributed by AMMO of Mig Jimenez as well.
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