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ICM 48196 1:48 Ki-21-Ia Sally Japanese Heavy Bomber

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ICM 48196 1:48 Ki-21-Ia Sally Japanese Heavy Bomber

Ki-21-Ia ‘Sally’
Japanese Heavy Bomber

The Ki-21 pre-production bomber made its first flight in late 1936. Serial production of its first modification, the Ki-21-Ia, began in 1938, the same year the aircraft made its combat debut. Air units of the Imperial Japanese Army, which were equipped with the Ki-21-Ia, were involved in active combat operations in China. In the spring of 1939, the Ki-21-Ia took part in combat operations against the Red Army on the Halhin Gol River. The aircraft’s combat payload of 1,000 kg was a good indicator of its time and allowed for massive bombing strikes, and the defensive tactics developed by the pilots of these bombers in air battles resulted in their fairly low losses compared to other types of aircraft. After more advanced models were produced, the first modification bombers were transferred to training units, although a certain number of Ki-21-Ia continued to be operated by combat units. American pilots, who gave Japanese aircraft their own names, referred to Ki-21 bombers as ‘Sally’.

Ki-21-Ia 'Sally', one of the pre-production aircraft, 60th Sentai (60th Air Group), China, early 1939
Ki-21-Ia 'Sally', 60th Sentai (60th Air Group), China, 1941
Ki-21-Ia 'Sally', 14th Sentai (14th Air Group), probably China, 1941
Ki-21-Ia 'Sally', 105 Kyoiku Hiko Rentai (105th Training Flight Regiment), presumably 1942
Ki-21-Ia 'Sally', 64th Sentai (64th Air Group), 1943

339 x 471 mm
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