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Mistercraft D-222 Alfa Romeo Alfetta 1:24

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Marca: Mistercraft


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Mistercraft D-222 Alfa Romeo Alfetta 1:24

The Alfa Romeo Alfetta (another designation: 158/159 Alfetta) is an Italian racing and Formula 1 car, first introduced in 1938, and used in racing until 1953. Its main designer was Gioacchino Colombo. At its debut, the car was powered by a single 1.5-liter engine with a maximum power of 200 hp.

The Alfa Romeo Alfetta was one of the most successful and successful sports cars in the history of motor racing. Cars of this type took part in a total of 54 Grand Prix races, winning as many as 47 of them! The success of the Alfa Romeo Alfetta was due primarily to the engine with a large, for the late 1930s, maximum power, which was further improved after the Second World War and achieved better and better parameters. The car was also well designed in terms of aerodynamics, and it also held up well to the road. It also had good driving characteristics - for those times. The quality of the construction is evidenced by the fact that it dominated the first two seasons of Formula 1 in 1950 and 1951. The most famous drivers who drove the Alfa Romeo Alfetta were, among others: Giuseppe Farina (the first world champion in the history of Formula 1), Juan Manuel Fangio or Luigi Fagioli.
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