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Mistercraft E-65 XFY-1 POGO 1:72

Cod produs: 9385205065

Marca: Mistercraft


Pret: 64.71 Lei

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Mistercraft E-65 XFY-1 POGO 1:72

Convair XFY-1 Pogo is an American, experimental, vertical take-off fighter plane with double delta wings. It first took to the air in 1954. Only one copy of this remarkably unusual machine was built. The machine was adapted to vertical take-off, but unlike Harrier, the stationing was carried out in a vertical position, just like in missile silos. The plane had four delta wings and an Allison YT40-A-16 turboprop engine with a power of 5500KM. The lower wing could detach in the event of a forced landing. In total, the prototype flew 40 hours with multiple take-offs and landings. The US Navy, however, did not implement this prototype into production due to the unreliability of the engine, the lack of a catapulted pilot chair and great difficulties in piloting. Technical data: length: 10.66 m, wingspan: 8.43 m, maximum speed: 980 km / h, rate of climb: 40.6 m / s, practical ceiling: 13000 m, maximum range: about 640 km, armament: fixed - 4 20mm cannon, outboard-48 Mk.4 unguided missiles.
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