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ZVEZDA 7001 1:144 IL-86 ILYUSHIN

Cod produs: 4600327070012

Marca: Zvezda


Pret: 111.93 Lei

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ZVEZDA 7001 1:144 IL-86 ILYUSHIN

The Ilyushin IL-86 is the first and most important Russian wide-body passenger aircraft in serial production. The Ilyushin design office started developing the II-86 in the beginning of the 70s. The first flight of a prototype aircraft took place at the end of 1976. The II-86 has been in use by the Russian National airline 'Aeroflot' since the 80s. In total 103 IL-86 were built, of which most are still in service with various Russian airlines.

Scale 1:144
Parts х 74
Size, cm 41,8
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